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What is Acupuncture?
Your health and well-being can be greatly improved by acupuncture, as it is a safe and effective method of treatment for many common ailments. Acupuncture encourages the body to promote natural healing and improve functioning. This is done by inserting very thin needles and applying heat or electrical stimulation at precise acupuncture points.
Acupuncture can be used to treat many physical conditions, including backache, headache, irregular periods, sinusitis, gynaecological problems, skin conditions, M.E. (chronic fatigue syndrome), digestive disorders, muscular and joint pain, asthma and stress, to name but a few.
Many emotional or psychological problems can be effectively treated by acupuncture such as anxiety, depression, addictions, phobias, irrational or obsessive behaviour, eating disorders, lack of confidence and low self esteem.
You can still benefit from acupuncture without suffering from an ailment. If you are feeling off–colour or out of sorts, experiencing difficulties at work, or unhappiness in a relationship, then acupuncture can help you cope better.
Acupuncture treats the whole person (not just the symptoms) on a physical, mental and emotional level. This means that treatment of physical problems can also affect the way you feel about yourself.
As well as a greater sense of wellbeing and enhanced enjoyment of life, acupuncture can be a very effective and drug free form of pain relief.
You will also find your immune system is better able to withstand flu, colds and other minor infections, and if you do fall ill, you tend to suffer less and recover more quickly. Many people continue using acupuncture as an effective form of preventative medicine.
Acupuncture is safe, because no drugs or equipment, such as x-rays, are used. There are no irreversible procedures, such as surgical operations, performed. There is not even a hypodermic needle involved. Acupuncture promotes health and well-being, prevents certain illnesses, and treats a wide spectrum of health problems.
Where does Acupuncture come from?
Acupuncture has an amazing history that has made it the world’s oldest contemporary medical system. “More people have been treated by acupuncture than by all other systems of medicine combined.” (According to Dr. David Brestler, director of UCLA’s Pain Centre.)
The science and art of acupuncture is a 5000 year old healing method. It has a long history and development, and it was practised in China 5000 years ago The term itself was derived by the 15th century Jesuit Missionaries in China from the Latin words “acus” meaning needle and “puncture” meaning puncture. Acupuncture was developed by clinical research in acupuncture physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. In other words, it is a coming together of modern international medical science and classical acupuncture medicine.
In March of 1996, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States of America approved acupuncture as a medical treatment method. Because of the great demand and scientific research, the US Food and Drug Administration incorporated acupuncture into mainstream medicine in April, 1997. In November, 1997, the American Health Counsel publicly claimed acupuncture to be good for the treatment of pains, nausea, asthma, and arthritis. Acupuncture has proven to be an effective treatment and a valuable medicine.
Is Acupuncture painful?
People experience acupuncture needles differently. Some patients feel no pain at all when the needles are inserted, and some patients experience minimal pain. Once the needles are in place, there is no pain felt. Acupuncture needles are very thin and solid, and are made from stainless steel. The point of the needle is smooth (Acupuncture needles are smooth, not hollow like hypodermic needles. Hollow needles increases the risk of skin bruising and skin irritation.), and insertion through the skin is not as painful as injections or blood sampling.
With acupuncture, the patient will not have to learn to live with an ailment. Many patients have been told to see a psychiatrist because no physiological disorder can be found or treated by known methods, even though the patient fervently attests that he/she is in tremendous pain or discomfort. Sometimes they are simply told to learn to live with it. Something can be done and has been done, because acupuncture has helped in cases where other methods of treatment have failed. Acupuncture treats the causes as well as the symptoms of an illness.
What are the side effects of acupuncture?
Acupuncture works with a person’s internal pharmacy rather than putting in chemicals from the outside. This approach has several advantages over pharmaceutical medicine. Most importantly there are no negative side effects to acupuncture. The most common occurance is that patients feel such a relief from symptoms that they may participate in activities that can cause a flare-up of their condition, before their body is completely healed.
Acupuncture treatment guidelines
Make sure you do not receive treatment on an empty stomach but do not eat an unusually large meal immediately before or after your treatment.
Don’t over-exercise, engage in sexual activity, or consume alcoholic beverages within 6 hours before or after your treatment.
Avoid drugs or alcohol as they will seriously interfere with the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments, especially in the week prior to treatment.
Plan your activities so that after the treatment you can get some rest, or at least not have to be working at top performance. This is especially important for the first few visits.
Remember to keep good mental or written notes of what your response is to the treatment. This is important for your acupuncturist to know so that the following treatments can be designed to best help you and your problem.
How many treatments will be necessary?
The number of acupuncture treatments needed differs from person to person. For more complex or long standing conditions, a treatment a week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required. For health maintenance, one acupuncture treatment a month may be all that is necessary.
Acupuncture has been proven to be one of the most effective and safest healing methods by countries in both Western and Eastern hemispheres. Researchers in China, Korea, Japan, India, Germany, France, Britain, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, Russia, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Australia have reported excellent results achieved by acupuncture. In addition, many nations support active research programs in the physiology and therapy of acupuncture. These countries are Russia, North and South Korea, and Japan. Recently, the National Institute of Health in the United States also offered funds for acupuncture research.
To make an appointment for an acupuncture treatment please ring us on 0161 881 7171.
Opening Times: Mon – Fri 10 – 8, Sat 10 – 6.
Benefits Of Acupuncture
An effective way to alleviate anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, hypertension, stiff neck and shoulders.
Alleviates allergies, tension headaches, sinus headaches, migraines, and dizziness.
Effective in treating PMS, infertility, irregular periods, cramps, hot flashes, and hormonal imbalances.
Can help increase the body’s resistance, strengthen the immune system, and promote good health and a sense of well-being.
Including neck & lower back pain, bursitis, tendinitis, and arthritis.
The most important historical effects that acupuncture has been noted for is in the regulation of the functions and of normalization. It increases the resistance of the body by enhancing the capabilities of the body. Acupuncture has such a powerful pain killing effect that it is now used in surgical operations as the only anesthetic. Already more than two million surgical operations have been performed with acupuncture as the only anesthetic.
Acupuncture normalizes the functions of the body. For example, constipation and diarrhea are two extremities of abnormal bowel movement. The normalizing effect of acupuncture can be observed as fine needles are placed in exactly the same locations for either conditions. This cannot happen with Western medicine because diarrhea can never be treated with laxatives. This effect of acupuncture indicates that it is a natural way of healing the illness by working with the body rather than on the body.
The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems:
- Digestive Disorders: gastritis, hyperacidity, colitis, constipation, diarrhea.
- Respiratory Disorders: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, chest infections.
- Urinary Problems.
- Common Illnesses: Acupuncture can be used in the treatment of a wide range of medical problems.
- Allergies: Allergies can manifest in the form of asthma, allergic sinusitis, and skin rash. The basic factor that causes allergic reactions is the inability of the system to secrete enough adreno-cortical hormones. As a result, the IgE level goes up in the body. Acupuncture corrects this problem with two effects on the system. First, it works on the hormonal glands such as the thymus, pituitary and adrenal glands to insure that there are adequate hormones for the immune system. Also, adrenal-cortical hormones secreted by the adrenal gland can relax bronchial tubes and inhibit histamine directly. Second, acupuncture relaxes the breathing center in the brain, thus relaxing the bronchial tubes through activities in the sympathetic nervous system. A research project, carried out by Loma Linda University School of Medicine, show that acupuncture can reduce the IgE level on a long term basis. Clinical observations showed that 80% of the patients got relief with between one and four treatments. There have been reports that all polyps disappear after acupuncture treatments.
- Neurological and Muscular Disorders: headaches, facial tics, neck pain, neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendonitis, lower back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis. Backache and Leg Pain: Many people with back problems have weak back muscles. Muscles are designed to hold our skeletal system in a position, which allows it to function effectively. Muscles maintain posture. Poor back muscles make a person tired more quickly and easily. This puts an abnormal strain on ligaments, joints, and bones, therefore causing back pain and sciatica. Acupuncture treatment can relieve back pain with amazing and quick results. A complete series of treatments can often make the back pain disappear. Many people who have taken acupuncture as a last resort after trying other treatment are amazed at the rate of success they achieve. Acupuncture improves muscle tone, thus promoting better posture, less fatigues, and looking and feeling better.
- Arthritis and Joint Problems: There are millions of people who are plagued by arthritis, the inflammation in the joints that causes stiffness, pain, and swelling. These conditions tend to be worse with the change of weather. The victims suffer more pain when it is cold, humid, windy, and when there is low pressure.
- Headache: Acupuncture has been found to be able to relieve painful headaches. In many cases the pain begins to subside as soon as the fine needles are placed in the specific acupuncture sites. Many patients claim that acupuncture has relieved the headaches, even when the strongest drugs failed to do so.
- Menstrual and Reproductive Problems: PMS, cysts of uterus and/or ovary, endometriosis, menopause syndrome, infertility, impotence, nocturnal emission.
- Weight Disorders: Reports from our patients confirm that acupuncture helps to reduce weight. Some say their appetites are curbed or their stomachs have shrunk because they can’t eat as much as they did before the treatment. Some say their bodies are firmer and their decreasing measurements outrun expectations for the pounds they have lost. A good percentage of patients experience lost of inches at the beginning of the treatment. Some say that they feel “peppier”, a sign of an increase in their metabolism. Some say that they are more relaxed and their nervous eating habits are diminishing because of the relaxation. They report losing their craving for sweets and starches. Among all existing methods for weight control, acupuncture is superior because of its various effects.
- Menstrual related symptoms, such as: headache, bloating, breakthrough bleeding & cramping, irregular cycle, breast tenderness, irritability, depression, and cravings.
- General gynecological signs & symptoms, such as: Chronic vaginitis, chronic yeast infections, endometriosis, venereal warts (HPV), irregular PAPS, cervical dysplasia, uterine fibroids & Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).
- Pregnancy related issues, such as: repeated abortions, miscarriages, high number of births, morning sickness, premature labor, postpartum hemorrhage, breast feeding complications, and postpartum depression.
- Menopausal issues, such as: Thinning hair, weight gain, skin changes, loss of strength, joint pain, insomnia, depression, irritability, and hot flashes.
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